Well for those of you who don't know it all came to an end tonight. It was bittersweet. The last game of the regular season for the Lady Raiders (bitter part). They beat Winder 43 to 35 (sweet part). I want to take just a moment to say a little something. Maile I have not known you since you were a baby or anything like that, but I have know you long enough to say that you ROCK!!! You are definitely something special. If you take on the rest of the world like you do the basketball court then nothing can stop you. I hope that my own girls take a little of what they saw in you this season. I have enjoyed every minute on the court and in the stands with your parents even though I have to wear ear plugs if I sit with your dad. Well I said that so I could tell you I wish you all the best in the future and I pray for blessings over you in everything that you do.
Your Fan,
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