Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Harlie & Kirby Engagement Session

Well it is now official!  I have photographed Harlie and Kirby's engagement session.  I have to say this was one of the toughest sessions I have ever had to do.  Not because of the location or the light etc...  No this was a tough one because this is the engagement session for my very first little girl.  Yeah! I knew it was going to happen one day, but in my head I could not get over the fact it was my little girl.  Granted I could have not asked for a better guy.  Kirby you are a great young man (I do still pray for you a lot) but still this is my little girl.  Anyway, I could go on forever on this subject but I do need to stop because I feel a tear on the way while trying to type.  This is a little preview of the session that took place this past Sunday.  I hope you enjoy!  Oh, just think I still have one more little girl to put me through this.

-A Proud Dad-