Sunday, August 31, 2014

Battle of the Gorge

Well, the battle didn't come out the way we all wanted!  That being said.  I did see some great improvements over last year.  These guys really worked well together.  We had a lot of positives Friday night.  The Raiders did very well on the ground and in the air.  Now my blog is not an all sports blog as you can tell.  I will leave that up to Zack at The Northeast Georgian for the ends and outs of the game and the numbers.  I will just say that as for me, I am very proud of the players, coaches, and support staff of the Raiders.  Now lets go get them next week.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Habersham Fall Sports Preview

I know that most of the fall sports have already started.  Those of you that know me, know that I have been on the road with Adelaide with softball for a couple of weeks now.  That being said.  Tonight is the opening of the season for Raider Football.  Being on the road is always tough.  This Friday night is no different.  Let's get out and support our Raiders tonight.  This is a shot I did for the Northeast Georgian a couple of weeks ago for the Preview.  I really enjoyed working with this group of young athletes.  These young men and women are great representatives for our school.  So find a schedule, find a sport, buy a ticket and come out and see one of the many sports being played in your own backyard.  Who knows you might find a sport your young kids would like to be a part of one day.